Got up this morning still at the bar. I think I celebrated a little too much that night, but I was just so overjoyed to be alive. The others showed up and I bought breakfast, coffee, and juice all around. We then went to get our pay and see if he had any other jobs available. He hired us on the spot to do some caravan guarding. It paid 100 gp up front and 100 gp when we get back. I convinced everyone it would be a good idea to get a wagon and 2 horses. I then went to do some shopping. I’m surprised at how many people I know and they always seem happy to see me. I got stuff for our trip: healing kits, food for the horses, and all kinds of stuff. I also placed an order at this smith who is extremely good at what he does. I’m getting 5 silver mugs made real nice. Each one is going to have a name nicely engraved on it. One mug per person in the group. I think they’ll like them. I should be back before it’s done, but I already paid and left instruction on where to send it when they’re done. After a bit I caught up with Theona and Areon. I never told them of the mugs; I want it to be a surprise.
Theona told me that Tassar and Deitricha walked off alone and drunk and she seemed disturbed by it. They’re both adults and can make there own decisions. She also told me of people coming up missing so I decided we should check it out. It would keep her mind off of the couple.
After some walking along the docks for a bit we heard a scream and went to the rescue. Theona and Areon followed down into the sewers; I waited up top for the guards to arrive since Areon had signaled them with a whistle.
The guards and I caught up with Theona and Areon after they killed a ghoul, but because the kidnapped person wasn’t there we continued looking. We came across a hidden door and found what later turned out to be a slave ring. We had to run for our lives, but I think we helped a little. I hope the guards find them before too many more people come up missing.
The next day was rather quiet and I think that was good. Now its time to go on duty ourselves and I only hope everyone is on time.