This campaign will be strictly Eberron (no spells, feats, deities, Prestige classes, etc. from other “worlds”), and with only races found in that setting. All characters will be based on “3.5” rules.
Characters can be made with 32 points using the Point Buy method. All characters begin with full hit points and average starting money at 1st level. Everyone starts at 1st level, and unless cleared with the DM, begins in Sharn in Breland. Your character may be originally from another region, but moved to Breland, as long as this is mentioned in your bio. Multiclass and favored class rules are in effect (they had been dropped for our Greyhawk campaign).
There will be no more than 5 PCs at any time. We’ve tried playing with more in the past and it decreases the enjoyment for the DM and players.
Character sheets will be in PCGen format (give your changes to Kristin so she can add them to the DM’s roster).
In addition to experience points for game play and attendance, Hugh is also basing experience awards on timely-written journal entries, bios and other things character-related that help evolve the game world and make it easier for him to spend what time he has working on the campaign. A good background will lend itself to plot hooks for the characters.
Players unable to attend a session must make arrangements with Hugh to run your character for that session. A missed session will usually yield 75% experience.
No character or inventory item, etc. is in play unless it has been approved by the DM. This includes characters who have gone up a level since the last time Hugh has okayed a character sheet. Things discussed between characters that effect game play do not happen if the DM is not made aware of them.
Main books/sources used for character creation
PHB 3.5
DMG 3.5
Eberron Campaign Setting
Races of Eberron
Sharn, City of Towers
Five Nations
Materials from other WotC 3.5 books may be used on a case-by-case basis (if it was referenced in one of the Eberron books, such as the Prestige Classes listed on pages 167-168 of the Sharn book, it will likely be fine).
Some materials from Eberron Official Home Page, approved on a case-by-case basis.
Some Dragon Magazine articles, approved on a case-by-case basis.
Character Death & New Characters
Character deaths happen, and resurrection isn’t always an option. If a character dies heroically, the player may create a new character at the level the old character would have been at had they been resurrected, with the addition of that session’s experience points. Characters coming into the game in this fashion have to make sense for the story line.
The new character’s starting funds are half of what is shown in the DM Guide on table 5-1. All magic items must be approved by the DM.