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Jin’s Bio

Jin’s Journal ~PC Bios~

Born on the coldest day of mid winter, Zarantyr Sar 14, 978 YK, Jin was the youngest of three in the changeling family. His father Toox and mother Bin were very proud of their heritage and helped work for peace between the nations. Yug, Jin’s brother, was rather talented as a sorcerer and being a good five years older joined the military to fight for Breland and its allies. Nit, Jin’s sister, was a almost three years older and had a bad habit of acquiring other people’s belongings.

Jin was only eleven when his brother Yug left for war. Yug was excited to go, even though his parents were disappointed that one of their children would willingly go to fight in this war. Yug would send letters home almost weekly. Jin thought they were amazing tales of battle and victory. One day almost three years after he left the letters stopped coming. Unable to get any information on Yug the family just prayed for his survival and attempted to move on with their life.

Nit was always changeling shape and had many personas. One of her favorite things was to look like someone and walk right into their house. She’d take a few things and leave. Toox and Bin had suspicions that she worked for a local guild, but were never able to find any proof, and then shortly after Jin turned thirteen she just vanished. By this time she was an expert at assuming another’s persona and she could be anywhere.

Toox got a chance to help end the war. Jin was sixteen now and wanted to go along, but was told he needed to stay behind and take care of his mom. Bin was ill and nothing seemed to work. About two weeks later Jin got a message that the caravan his father was on was ambushed. There were no survivors. Bin died after hearing the news and with Jin being the only available heir the house went to him.

Two years later the war ended. Jin barely made ends meet freelancing his services as a mediator. Taxes were starting to pile up when out of nowhere his brother Yug showed up. Apparently he had been so far out in enemy territory that sending letters became impossible. Yug had enough money to pay off the debt and settled in as a teacher at one of the local schools. There was still no sign of Nit although Yug had seen her once during the war. Yug never talked about it except to say that Nit was different now.

Jin still freelanced as a mediator and aspired to be a diplomat one day if he could just get an apprentice job. But being a changeling no one truly trusts you. Without telling anyone, Jin assumed a half-elf persona. He was able to convince an old friend of Nit’s to get him some forged documents and thus Enialis Amakiir was born. A young half-elf who was extremely good at negotiating deals between people. After a year of this it started to make some good money. Now Jin works under his persona, and enjoys life as himself.

Jin, image (c) Kristin Johnson

Character sheet: Jin [Changeling Rogue]

Posted by Fred on July 23, 2005, 14:35 | Jin’s Journal | ~PC Bios~