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Me and My Four New Friends

Rookinoniak’s Journal

I made some new friends today. The last group I was with vanished on me. I don’t know where they went. We stopped at this town yesterday, and today they were gone. That’s okay these people are much more fun to be around. Seren can fly. I got to get her to teach me to do that. She said I need wings, I wonder how one gets wings. And she can glow. A neat trick when it’s dark and you can’t see. Rowind & Roywyn seam to be traveling together. They are very entertaining. One sings and the other tells stories, and they juggle, and one has this strange wand that makes loud noises and hurts bad things. The most amazing thing is the good orc, Kor’tac. I know he’s a good orc because a bad orc would have tried to kill me. I like good orcs. I also meet this Halfling, don’t remember his name. The Halfling said something about evil in the woods to the west, so I figured, “Hey let’s go kill the evil.’ Because evil is bad and evil must die. So off we went, me and my four new friends. The Halfling decided not to come with. We got attacked by wolves, not evil, but they wanted to eat us, I don’t want to be eaten. I don’t think my new friends want to be eaten either. So we had to kill the wolves. Then these goblin creatures were watching us, so I said, “I see you.” I was hoping they’d come down and talk, but instead they attacked us. So we had to kill them too. We weren’t doing anything wrong, just trying to go kill some evil in the woods. Unless they were evil they had no reason to attack us. I don’t know what everyone wants to do now, but we seem to be going back for tonight. Oh well, maybe well go kill some evil tomorrow.

Posted by Fred on August 6, 2006, 08:15 | Rookinoniak’s Journal