As I closed my eyes, I drifted to another place. I felt as if I was really there, yet I was not me....
....”Ro’, hey, Ro’ please wake up. I need to talk to you,” Theona purred. “Huh, is it morning already,” Rosorc answered. “Seems I just fell asleep.” .. “You did. I can’t rest at all. I went to see the sage, today. He didn’t have good news, I’m afraid,” Theona finished, laying her arm over Rosorc’s back.
As she started to cry, he turned to hug her. He knew that their long time attempts at having children were tearing his wife up inside. Stroking her hair, he held her until her sobbing stopped. Knowing that his wife wouldn’t go sleep, he strained to stave off sleep himself.
“My dear, I went to the temple again today,” Rosorc whispered to his wife. Then continued, ”There might be a way. Berronar has sent me a sign. As I stood in the stone circle in prayer, two entwined silver circles appeared at my feet. There has to be a way, my dear,” Rosorc mumbled, as he fell asleep.
Kissing her husband on the head, Theona slipped out of bed and walked to her writing table. She made a prayer to her Goddess Sehanine, then took up her diary and began to write....
Cadderly knickered loudly as they paused in the road. Brushing his mane with his hand, Rosorc tried to ease his mount’s stress. Whispering to his wife, Theona, he asked,”Which way did they go?” Getting up and remounting, she said, ”To the east.” Fire burnt in her eyes. They could tell that they were gaining on them. Justice would be served.
“Justice will be served,” Rosorc thought out loud. Kicking the horses into action, they galloped up the road.
Alaysia sat in her room. She was playing with her favorite doll. As she braided the doll’s hair the nape of her neck ran cold. Stopping what she was doing, she looked up. A shadowy form was in the corner by her clothes chest. Too afraid to scream, she started to cry.
The dark figure floated towards her. As it approached, its stench alone gagged her. Under its hood it could see decaying flesh and partially exposed bones. It was chanting something in an unknown language.
Getting her bearings, she dove across her bed. Dropping her doll, she twisted the ring her mother had given her on her finger. With a wink she disappeared from sight. Her pursuer stopped and looked around. As quietly as she could, she crawled to the door. Then tore it open and ran down the hall screaming for her brother.
Jerking myself out of sleep, I rolled over and sat up. Sweat soaked my body. Again with the dreaming. “What is going on?” I thought. So much didn’t make any sense. Yet, I was sure that I was bound to this elven female in more ways than one.
As I pulled out my journal and started to feverishly write down everything I could remember, I glanced her way. Even in meditation, Theona glowed with beauty that seemed to touch me deep within my soul. It was almost scary. I have known her such a short time, yet, it seems my love for her has lasted lifetimes.....