posted by wererat
July 23, 2006, 14:24
Category: Vasha's Journal

Planting 22, 593 CY, northern edge of Bright Desert For one brief moment, we hoped that perhaps they hadn’t come into the cave because some sort of sacred power was keeping them out. Grundl tried to scare them off with a few gruff words, and I pulled out the wand of magic missiles, intending to see if I could activate it. I did, hitting poor Strum in the back with the first shot! At any rate, their crossbow bolts could come inside the cave, so we decided discretion was the better part of valor and quickly retraced our steps to […]

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posted by wererat
July 6, 2006, 16:35
Category: Vasha's Journal

We needed some time to think about the riddle, so we turned to the next sarcophagus in the room and repeated our search for traps, opening the lid and fighting the resulting lemure (devil) that opening the crypt summoned.

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posted by wererat
June 9, 2006, 23:12
Category: Vasha's Journal

The Vault looks pretty much like what one would expect to see– tunnels with niches containing collections of bones. We started down what appears to be the center passageway, trying to get a feel for the layout of the place, when in the distance I saw something move…

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posted by wererat
May 31, 2006, 8:32
Category: Vasha's Journal

We arrived home only to find that Ben needed to return to his original homeland and may be gone for some time. He apprised his mentor of our situation, procured a horse, and was off by morning.

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posted by Bryon
May 18, 2006, 19:07
Category: Character Bios

Wölfel Carver is a local blacksmith who works and resides at Anvil’s Heart Forge.

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posted by wererat
March 1, 2006, 22:45
Category: Vasha's Journal

I think we had almost given up on ever finding that kobold. My companions and I headed back to that great hall, raised the trapped floor again, and were just about to leave, when we decided it wouldn’t hurt to check out a door we hadn’t gone through before.

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