01 |
Our heroes find themselves on an island after surviving a shipwreck; they investigate an abandoned lighthouse.
02 |
After a night of being watched by lizard people, the shipwrecked heroes spend the day fighting zombies from a sunken ship.
Our heroes force Triaa to rest for the day.
03 |
The heroes investigate a nearby cave, finding some pirate treasure, and a lot of trouble. They emerge in some spider-filled trees, and end up dragging themselves back to the lighthouse for some much-needed recouperation.
04 |
After some rest, the shipwrecked companions fight a few more troglodytes; Triaa and Dora drink too much rum.
05 |
The party rests for a day. Some have hangovers.
06 |
Our heroes climb to the top of the highest point on the island, and find some ruins.
07 |
After an uneventful night's rest, the heroes fight some spiders, climb down a shaft in the ruins, wander around, and fight a huge spider. Morwenna is completely unharmed and kills the spider; the rest need revived....