Catacombs in Red Falls, Versex
8 skeletons
Forests of Red Falls, Versex
dozens of undead, mostly zombies and skeletons
Mines of Red Falls, Versex
4 skeletons
2 zombies
14 kobolds. Possibly. Possibly Tucker’s Kobolds.
2 large rats
2 large undead rats
6 kobold zombies
Lower Levels, Mines of Red Falls, Versex
6 skeletons
13 zombies
16 kobolds
1 juju zombie
1 possessed kobold
1 glowing blue thing (trapped in lantern)
Road to Rozenport
6 goblins
5 wolves
Road to Hyannis
1 haunt (human male hunter)
1 yellow musk zombie
Hungry Mountains
1 vampiric mist
2 gargoyles
3 suits of armor
2+ cultists
1 cyclops (diplomacy encounter)
4 ettercaps
8 giant spiders
(avoided combat through the remainder of Hungry Mountains via diplomacy)
Carrion Hill
1 ghoul (Yarresh, rogue/guide, after long-winded diplomacy in Aklo)
4 violet fungi
1 super-scared historian (intimidated and looted)
8 zombies
1 insane necromancer
8 insane asylum orderlies
12 insane asylum patients
1 chaos beast (avoided)
1 morlock
Swamp near Carrion Hill
12 stirges
1 crystal ooze (fed)
1 shambling mound
1 gray ooze
2 shadows
Cottering (colorless, 95 years ago)
8 shadows
1 chaos beast
Carrion Hill (inside Lishum)
1 shadow demon
Creature Types:
- aberration
- animal and beast
- construct
- dragon
- elemental
- fey
- giant
- humanoid
- magical beast
- monstrous humanoid
- ooze
- outsider
- plant
- undead
- vermin