Mines of Red Falls, Versex
Mining equipment (rope, lanterns, oil, pitons, and hammers)
Various small-sized armor, weapons, and ammunition
7 potions, Cure Light Wounds
2 vials, anti-plague, Kelerieth, Carmilla
2 vials, anti-toxin, Kelerieth
1 potion, Aid, Kelerieth
1 vial greenblood oil/poison (100 gp)
+1 Light Wooden Shield, Kelerieth
MW light wooden shield (153 gp)
MW leather armor (160 gp)
MW longsword, small, Divv
MW short sword, Carmilla
mithril scepter (600 gp)
2 agate gemstones (10 gp each)
14 bloodstone gems (50 gp each)
5 spinel gems (100 gp each)
10 silver ingots (50 gp each)
12 rock crystal quartz gems, roughcut (5 gp each)
15 platinum pieces
608 gold pieces
2475 silver pieces
1773 copper pieces (to be donated to kobolds and remaining town)
kobold king’s silver necklace (to be given to new kobold king)
masterwork thieves tools, Carmilla
wand, Magic Weapon, Divv
wand, Magic Stone, Kelerieth
1 scroll, Hide from Undead with scrollcase, Kelerieth
Soul soap, Kelerieth
6 sunrods
Therion’s journal, Carmilla
Road to Rozenport
1 scroll, Animate Dead, Divv
1 potion, Protection from Law
1 potion, Shield of Faith, Slave
glass and copper decanter (25 gp)
Agis of Recovery (medallion, 1500 gp), Slave
9 platinum pieces
94 gold pieces
168 silver pieces
1 obsidian (10 gp)
1 lapis lazuli (13 gp)
1 azurite (7 gp)
1 rock crystal quartz (10 gp)
1 turquoise (10 gp)
2 moonstones (35 gp each)
Road to Hyannis
15 gold pieces
25 silver pieces
17 copper pieces
Diary of a human hunter (haunt), Carmilla
Hungry Mountains
Cloak of Resistance (+1), Divv
+1 Dagger, Kelerieth
Silver and red gem ring (100 gp)
12 gold pieces
17 silver pieces
6 copper pieces
Keep in Hungry Mountains
3 iron keys, Carmilla
2 MW longswords
2 coin pouches
Book, Book of the Grave, Necromancer’s, covered with skin, Divv
Talisman of Soul Stealing (cacodemon with vertebrae)
Elemental Gem, fire, Kelerith
1 potion, Cure Moderate Wounds, Kanye
1 potion, Cure Moderate Wounds, Slave
1 potion, Lesser Restoration, Kelerieth
2 amethysts (100 gp each)
+2 Spear (Backbiter), Slave
Ring of Protection (+1), Carmilla, Divv
Mithral chain shirt, Kanye
25 gold pieces
16 silver pieces
8 copper pieces
2 moonstones (50gp each)
Carrion Hill
Ring of Protection (+2), Kanye, Carmilla
Cloak of Protection (+1), Slave
Bracers of Armor (+1), Divv
Ring of Swimming, Divv
Pnakotic Manuscripts, Carmilla
Wand of Chill Touch, probably Carmilla
1500 gold pieces
10 potions, Cure Moderate Wounds, split by party
5 potions, Lesser Restoration, split by party
1 scroll, See Invisibility, Divv
1 scroll, Invisibility Purge, Carmilla
Dust of Appearance, Kelerieth
1 potion, Visibility, Kelerieth
Ring of Protection (+2), Kelerieth
Belt of Dexterity (+2), Kanye, Carmilla
Studded leather armor (+1), Carmilla
Iron key, Carmilla
475 gold pieces
4 flasks, purple violet poison
Longsword +1 Mithral Baned, (+3/2d6 vs. Aberrations), Kanye, Carmilla
Ring of Counterspell, Divv
Item creation materials, Divv
1 potion, Cure Moderate Wounds, Slave
3 scrolls, Gentle Repose, Divv
Myers’ journal, Carmilla
4 iron keys, Carmilla
135 gold pieces
gold ring (30gp)
Wand, Suggestion, Carmilla
8 potions, Cure Light Wounds
8 potions, Oil of Taggit (poison)
1 scroll, Contact Other Plane, Divv
1 scroll, Planar Binding, Divv
1 scroll, Restoration, Carmilla
1 scroll, Scrying, Kelerieth
7500gp reward
Swamp near Carrion Hill
Everburning Torch (lantern), Carmilla
2 healer’s kits, Kelerieth
1 scroll, Death Ward, Kelerieth
1 scroll, Ice Storm, Kelerieth
2 potions, Bark Skin, Kelerieth
2 potions, Lesser Restoration, Kelerieth
2 potions, Cure Light Wounds, Kelerieth
1 potion, Cure Moderate Wounds, Kelerieth
3 books, Carmilla
8 gold pieces
14 silver pieces
25 copper pieces
silver locket and chain, containing photo of Carmilla and unknown man, Carmilla
+1 MW alchemical dagger, Kelerieth
ebony wand, Burning Hands, Divv
1 scroll, Alarm, Divv
1 scroll, Mage Armor, Divv
1 potion, Protection from Sonic Energy, Kelerieth
36 parts of books, Carmilla
1 unworked onyx (30gp)
3 unworked hematites, (35 sp each)
1 scroll of Bleed (Divine), Kelerieth
1 potion of Bull’s Strength, Slave
Ring of Featherfall, Slave
Silver Key (conjuration magic) in two halves, Carmilla
Osirian steel dagger “Heart Ripper” +1 (baleful powers), locked in a puzzle box, Divv
Cottering (colorless, 95 years ago)
1 remaining page of exploding journal, Carmilla
1 scroll, Planar Binding, Divv
2 potions, Lesser Restoration, Carmilla, Slave
2 potions, Invisibility, Divv, Kelerieth
25 gold pieces
13 silver pieces
6 copper pieces
10 onyx
1 black diamond (5000gp)
All other items went to individual inventories.
? sold
? stored
*stuff in this color has already been used or divided up for funds
**stuff in italics hasn’t quite been identified….
- Kelerieth
- Divv
- Carmilla
Kanye- Lishum
- Slave