03 |
Party returns to Fairhaven with the Heart of Truth.
04 |
Our heroes say good-bye to Ben, asking the half-orc blacksmith Wölfel to join them on the second leg of their quest. They depart for the Bright Desert.
14 |
Our heroes arrive in a small town near their destination, and decide to follow a caravan while they cross the desert.
16 |
Halfway through their desert trek, the caravan is attacked by centaurs and human raiders. Our heroes refuse to attack the centaurs, and leave the caravan with them.
18 |
Our intrepid band arrives at the centaurs' oasis, later leaving with a guide to their original destination of Valor's Vault.
21 |
The party arrives at Valor's Vault, fights some undead, and finds a riddle and key important to the quest.